Can I Receive Alimony If I Live With A Roommate in Oklahoma?

Receiving Alimony While Employed

It’s not impossible to receive alimony if you’re living with a roommate, but does depend on a few different factors. In Oklahoma, alimony, or spousal support, is financial assistance one spouse provides to the other following a divorce. This is done with the goal of helping the recipient maintain a reasonable standard of living. While the length of the marriage and financial need are critical factors in determining alimony, living arrangements may also play a role.

Understanding Alimony in Oklahoma

Oklahoma courts determine alimony based on need and ability to pay. The spouse seeking alimony must demonstrate a financial need, and the paying spouse must have the capacity to provide it. Alimony often serves as transitional support, particularly if one spouse had limited earning capacity during the marriage.

Living with a roommate doesn’t automatically disqualify someone from receiving alimony in Oklahoma, but it may affect the amount. Courts may review any change in financial circumstances when determining or modifying alimony. Sharing expenses with a roommate can reduce the cost of living, which may impact the amount of support awarded.

For instance, if a roommate contributes to rent, utilities, or other expenses, the court may view this as a reduction in financial need and adjust alimony accordingly. Additionally, while platonic roommates typically has little impact, a romantic or financially dependent roommate relationship may influence the court’s decision. Oklahoma law considers this as a potential basis to reduce or terminate alimony, as it could reflect financial support similar to marriage.

Modifying Alimony Based on Changed Living Arrangements

If a former spouse believes the roommate arrangement has substantially reduced the need for alimony, they may petition the court to modify the support order, demonstrating a material change in circumstances. Evidence influencing the court may include records of shared expenses or proof of a financially supportive relationship with the roommate.

To maintain alimony, transparency about living arrangements is essential. Keeping clear documentation of shared expenses and ensuring that a roommate relationship is purely platonic may prevent misinterpretations in court. If there’s any uncertainty about how living arrangements could impact alimony, consult a family attorney for help.

Tulsa County Family Attorneys

In Oklahoma, having a roommate does not automatically disqualify you from alimony, but could lead to adjustments if it reduces your financial need in a divorce and custody case. Courts may consider the financial benefits of shared expenses and, in cases involving a romantic or financially dependent relationship, may decide to reduce or terminate alimony. Understanding these factors can help in making informed decisions about living arrangements during and after a divorce. Consulting a family law attorney can provide tailored guidance on protecting alimony rights in Oklahoma.

Our team here at Tulsa County Lawyers Group can help you understand the impact of your living situation on alimony. If you need help, contact us today by calling (918) 379-4864 or reach us online for a consultation.