Driving Under Suspension Charges in Tulsa

Driving Under Suspension

Driving under suspension is a crime.  However, nationwide there are several states and jurisdictions that are attempting to change their laws.  Some states, like California, are removing the suspension laws that accompany…

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Prescription Drug Possession Charges

prescription drug

Prescription drug possession charges is an epidemic plaguing our legal system of today’s society. According to a 2012 study from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, over 900,000…

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Violating a Protective Order

Protective And Stalking Order

In Tulsa County Violating a protective order is a criminal offense. When discussing violating  a protective order It’s first useful to understand what a protective order is and why people use them.  First,…

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Assault and Battery in Oklahoma

Cease and Desist Letter

As far as violent crimes are concerned assault and battery is one of the most common crimes in the United States. In Oklahoma Assault and Battery can be separate or dual crimes.  This…

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