Explaining The Law Of Transporting an Open Container in Tulsa County

Transporting an Open Container

In early January of 2021, a Tulsa man was stopped by police after a concerned citizen reported that he was stealing mail.  Upon stopping the man and searching the vehicle, cops not only found two bags of mail with 42 different addresses, but also an open container.  The man faces charges on concealing stolen property and transporting an open container.  This article will explain the penalties for transporting an open container.

Transporting an Open Container Laws

Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes makes it illegal to transport an open container of alcohol in a moving vehicle.  You can find this specifically under §1220.  It goes on to elaborate that this transportation can occur on any public highway or road, street, or even in an alleyway.  Having an open container in reach of the driver or passengers is illegal. This means that you do not even have to be drinking the alcoholic beverage, you simply must be driving a vehicle that has one in reach.

As a result, we recommend you keep any open container out of reach in your vehicle.  This means in the bed of trucks or the far back of any hatchback.  The main point is to keep the alcohol out of reach of anyone in the vehicle while you are moving.


Penalizing Transporting an Open Container

Oklahoma law provides that transporting an open container is a misdemeanor crime.  Therefore, you can face a maximum of 6 months in prison and fines reaching $500.  You will also face an extra $100 fine for the Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund.

Tulsa County Lawyers Near You

Our attorneys understand that you cannot always control your passengers and what they do while you drive.  Moreover, sometimes you will simply forget about the open container and drive anyway.  We can help defend you from these charges.  Get a free consultation from the Tulsa County Lawyers Group by calling 918.379.4864. You can also ask a free online legal question by following this link.