Shoplifting and Petty Larceny From a Retailer Crimes in Tulsa

petty theft

Petty Larceny from a retailer crimes are very common in Oklahoma. Walmart loses approximately $3 billion each year due to shoplifting and petty theft.  As a result, this has led to the company ending its general shoplifting policy.  This policy would allow shoplifters facing prosecution the ability to pay a fine and take an educational class, in lieu of prosecution.  However, under the new system Walmart will simply prosecute theft without providing alternative options.  If you find yourself in a predicament regarding shoplifting and petty theft this article will explain more about what you are facing.

Oklahoma Shoplifting and Petty Theft Laws

Under Title 21 §1704, you can find the laws for shoplifting and petty larceny From a Retailer Crimes.  In order to face these charges the authorities must be able to prove the elements of the crime.  These are that (1) you (2) took the items in questions (3) from the retailer (4) without any intentions to pay.  Together the total value of the items must be less than $500.  Any theft over $500 is grand larceny and falls under a different statute.

Penalties for Petty Theft

Shoplifting is a misdemeanor crime in Oklahoma.  This means it faces punishment through fines and possible jail time.  Petty theft in particular faces fines ranging from $10 to $500, and jail time reaching 6 months.  The penalties may increase for repeat petty larceny offenses.  If you receive a conviction on shoplifting charges, this could disqualify you from certain employment.  For instance, you may not be able to get a job working at any major retailer.


Our Tulsa Petty Larceny Lawyers Can Help

Our Tulsa shoplifting attorneys understand that petty larceny from a retailer are often crimes of impulse. In fact, when it comes to failures to properly scan items in a self checkout maybe there is no crime at all.  This makes them especially common for adolescents and young adults.  If you or someone you love faces these charges, call our offices for help.  We understand that a mistake shouldn’t haunt your future.  Your first consultation is free so call 918-379-4864 or follow this link to ask an online legal question.