What Are Some Possession of a Stolen Vehicle Crimes in Tulsa County

Possession of a Stolen Vehicle

Possession of a Stolen Vehicle is a crime.  This is true even if you are unaware that you possess a stolen vehicle.  Take these numbers for instance: over $15M worth of cars, trucks, etc. were the subject of thefts in Oklahoma in 2015.  Some of these vehicles could be resold with forged or fake titles.  So a person in possession of a stolen vehicle may have trouble with the law, even if they buy the vehicle lawfully.

Possession of a Stolen Vehicle Laws

Oklahoma law criminalizes possession of a stolen vehicle.  Under Title 47 §4-103, there are certain elements the state must prove to convict you.  First, you must possess the vehicle.  This means you either own or are in actual control of the vehicle.  Second, you must have no legal grounds to have the vehicle.  So, if you buy a vehicle but suspect it may be a product of theft, you are culpable for punishment.  Thus, it is important that you require anyone selling you a vehicle to provide you with a valid title.

Penalties for Possession

Oklahoma law considers possession of a stolen vehicle a felony crime.  As a result, you could face a minimum of one year in prison and a maximum of 5 years.  Further, you may also face fines reaching up to $5,000.  As a result of these convictions, you will have significant difficulty in the future obtaining and holding a decent job.  The law permits employers to exclude felons from their workforce.  Further, your right to own a firearm and your rights to live in certain housing may be void.


Tulsa County Criminal Defense Lawyers

Our Tulsa Criminal Defense lawyers understand that this can be a precarious and complex situation to prove your innocence.  We understand the channels you need to travel in the legal system to get the best advantage.  Your initial consultation with us is free. Call the Tulsa County Lawyers Group at 918.379.4864. You can also ask a free online legal question by clicking this link.